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Integrated Passives Part Number Explanation

General format is: FFFFPPCCVBBBBT where:

FFFF is the 4 digit Frequency in Megahertz (unless otherwise specified)

PP is the 2 character Product code

  • AT = Antenna
    AM = Antenna Module Assembly
    AS = Antenna Switch Module
    AD = Dual-Band Antenna
    BL = Balun
    BD = Balun, Dual-Band
    BM = Chipset Specific Impedance-Matched Balun or Balun-Filter
    BP = Band Pass Filter
    CD = Coupler, Dual Band
    CP = Coupler
    CF = Coupler Filter
    CH = Coupler Hybrid
    CR = Ceramic Resonator

  • DF = Differential Filter
    DP = Diplexer
    DM = Diplexer Module
    FA = Filter Array
    FB = Filter-Balun
    FM = Front-End Module
    HP = High Pass Filter
    LD = Low Pass Filter, Dual-Band
    LP = Low Pass Filter
    NF = Notch Filter (Band-Stop Filter)
    PC = Passive Component
    PD = Power Divider
    TP = Triplexer

CC is the 2-digit Case Size Code (e.g. 07 is EIA 0402, 14 is EIA 0603, 15 is EIA 0805, 18 is EIA 1206)

V is a 1 character Version/Revision code

BBBB is 3 or 4 digit Bandwidth, differential impedance (baluns only), or specific chipset denomination

For components that have a center frequency of more than 9999MHz, an “R” multiplier is placed within the four BBBB digits.
For example, a 10100MHz Balun, is represented in 4 digits using the R in “10R1=10100MHz

T is the character tape code:

Tape materialCode
Paper Tape standard (EIA 0603 and smaller)T
Embossed Tape standard (EIA 0805 and larger)E
Paper Tape rotated (non-std, EIA 0603 and smaller)*A
Embossed Tape rotated (non-std, EIA 0805 and larger)*R

*Only available for selected components, please consult the factor for availability and MOQs that apply


  • 0868AT43A0020E is an 868MHz antenna, case size 43, revision “A” with 20MHz of Bandwidth, embossed tape & reel
  • 2450BM15A0002S is 2450MHz Impedance-matched Balun-BPF, case size 15 (EIA 0805), 100MHz BW, designed for to T.I. CC2530 chipset, bulk (loose) packaging