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IoT Multiband Antenna Solution

IoT Multiband Antenna Solution PDF Datasheet 0830AT54A2200


As the demand for a compact, all-encompassing solution for IoT connectivity continues to grow, we've developed a multi-band flexible solution using one antenna (p/n 0830AT54A2200). This antenna can resonate at multiple frequencies. For it to achieve high efficiency and bandwidth, it requires antenna matching networks to cover Cellular/SubGHz/GPS-GNSS/2.4GHz bands.
All characterizations and gains we measured on a small, 51x51mm PCB (including the antenna clearance)
Below is a representation of the total antenna effective area and 2 switches required for this solution:



In an effort to create a small-footprint antenna solution for cellular LTE, NB-IoT, geo location GPS/GNSS, and 2.4GHz frequency spectrums, Johanson Technology has created a single antenna matching solution to cover all relative frequency bands. In addition to simplifying device bill-of-materials, costs can be reduced by re-using the same flexible solution in various applications.
By combining Johanson's 0830AT54A2200 antenna with 2 channel switches, the designer has the ability to cycle through all usable channels mentioned above.
Based on the number of channels required, we recommend the use of 2 (two), SP6T switches to cover the entire cellular spectrum as well as GPS/GLONASS and 2.4GHz Bluetooth or WiFi. In our example, the Qorvo RFSW6062 switch is used. The Hexawave HWS556 is a substitute performance-wise, but it is not interchangeable. You can find a link to more information on the final page.
Antenna Datasheet: 0830AT54A2200
Qorvo RFSW6062 Switch:
Hexawave HWS556 Switch: Hexawave HWS556 Switch

PCB size and Recommended Antenna Keep-out Area



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Matching Network Topologies with Switches


Qorvo RFSW6062 Switch

Qorvo RFSW6062 Switch

Frequency Channels and Matching Values

Channel Frequency (MHz) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 C1
1 700 - 750 11nH 30nH
2 750 - 800 10nH 27nH
3 791 - 894 8.2nH 22nH
4 880 - 960 6.9nH 18nH
5 1574 - 1577* 3.0nH 0.9pF
6 1710 - 2200 2400 - 2480 24nH

Channel 5 may be tuned for GLONASS operation (1598-1609MHz)

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Measured Return Loss By Channel







0830AT54A2200 Radiated Efficiency on 51x51mm board


Performance based on example PCB with dimensions 51mm x 51mm